Interreg Italy-Croatia - MIMOSA

Ultimo aggiornamento: 15 Giugno 2023
MIMOSA_Italy Croatia Programme
Funding program: 
Interreg Italy-Croatia

MIMOSA - MarItime and MultimOdal Sustainable pAssenger transport solutions and services aims to increase multimodality and to improve services for making the mobility of passengers more accessible, low-carbon and sustainable in the whole Programme area.

The project links to Priority Axis 4 “Maritime Transport”, Specific Objective 4.1 “Improve the quality, safety and environmental sustainability of marine and coastal transport services and nodes by promoting multimodality in the Programme area”  are ensured, as it contributes to improving environmentally-friendly and low-carbon transport systems, including maritime transport, ports and multimodal links, in order to promote sustainable local, regional and cross-border mobility. MIMOSA also links to the strategic theme objectives by:

1) improving the knowledge on sustainable alternative transport modes and acting for changing passengers' behaviour;

2) improving the offer of multimodal passenger connections and sustainable multimodal solutions;

3) activating a stable and permanent dialogue at cross-border level;

4) fostering the harmonization and the standardization of tools, solutions and services.

Expected results: 

The main project expected results relate to the set of expected strategic theme outputs in three main ways:

1. improved cooperation among relevant actors of Italy and Croatia towards a sustainable cross-border and multimodal passengers transport between the two countries;

2. improved and up-to-date knowledge of the demand for transport services at local, regional and cross-border level;

3. improved offer of information and services.

This will be achieved by setting up a permanent cross-border Network to foster a stable dialogue at cross-border level, which will make the cooperation among informed stakeholders stronger, with a better capacity to plan the next steps, and through increased awareness of habits and impacts on the environment and transport services.

The applications, smart solutions and services adopted and tested will be used to encourage change in passengers’ behaviour through awareness-raising programmes and related campaigns at regional and at cross-border level.

MIMOSA will also contribute to defining the relevant local, regional, national and EU policies supporting macro-regional strategies (e.g. EUSAIR, EUSALP).

Project partners: 
  • Central European Initiative (CEI) Executive Secretariat - Lead partner
  • Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT)
  • Cà Foscari University of Venice - Department of Management (IT)
  • Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation (IT)
  • Central Adriatic Ports Authority (IT)
  • Abruzzo Region (IT)
  • Puglia Region (IT)
  • Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds - Directorate for Islands, Sector for Sustainable Island Development Policy and Preparation of Development Programs (CR)
  • Regional Development Agency of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (CR)
  • Istrian Development Agency – IDA Ltd. (CR)
  • University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka (CR)
  • Dubrovnik Neretva Region (CR)
  • HZ Passenger Transport Ltd. (CR)
  • Split Port Authority (CR)
  • Rovinj Port Authority (CR)
  • Public institution Development Agency of Lika-Senj County - LIRA (CR)
  • County Port Authority of Zadar (CR)
  • Port of Šibenik Authority (CR)
Total budget: 
€ 7.140.000
Regione Abruzzo Budget: 
€ 399.300
Start date: 
End date: 

Abruzzo Region

Directorate General

Palazzo Silone

Via Leonardo da Vinci,6

67100 L'Aquila, Italy